Help make New Braunfels
even better

If you’d like to be part of spreading the word about this opportunity for the citizens of New Braunfels to vote to invest in the future, please complete the form below.


Vote FOR propositions A, B, and C and help make New Braunfels even better.


Prop A:

Better driving city wide – repairs, expansion
learn more >>


Prop B:
Parks and Recreation

An even better Mission Hill Park
learn more >>


Prop C:
Library Facilities

Bringing a library to southeast New Braunfels
learn more >>

Get involved

The bond package that’s on the ballot for May 6th helps make New Braunfels better by focusing on priorities determined by its citizens.


Support a fiscally conservative and responsible way to make our community better.


Voting Information

Early Voting

April 24 – May 2
Voting Locations

Monday, April 24: 8am to 6pm

Tuesday, April 25: 8am to 6pm

Wednesday, April 26: 8am to 6pm

Thursday, April 27: 8am to 6pm

Friday, April 28: 8am to 6pm

Saturday, April 29: 10am to 4pm

Monday, May 1: 7am to 7pm

Tuesday, May 2: 7am to 7pm


Saturday, May 6
7am to 7pm

Voting Locations


Pol. Adv. Paid for by  VOTE FOR NEW BRAUNFELS, Peter James, Treasurer, 659 S. Castell Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130