Improved Facilities

Fire Station #2 Replacement

Construction of a new fire station on an existing City owned property on Water Lane to replace the current Fire Station #2
Includes: living quarters, kitchen, day room, gym, etc.
Heavy House – four apparatus bays

Fire Station #3 Replacement

Construction of a new Fire Station #3 at the same location on Hanz Drive
Includes: living quarters, kitchen, day room, gym, etc.
Three apparatus bays

Police Department Facility

New police station to replace existing facility
Includes: Office space for all divisions, public space, training room, vehicle maintenance bays, evidence storage, gym, etc.
Location TBD
Includes Veteran’s Memorial



2019 Bond Program Investment: Proposition 3

Public Safety: $50,414,750
Total Bond Proceeds: $50,414,750

Fire Station #2 Replacement Rendering

Fire Station #3 Replacement Rendering

Police Department Rendering

Veteran’s Memorial Rendering


Vote FOR propositions A, B, and C and help make New Braunfels even better.


Prop A:

Better driving city wide – repairs, expansion
learn more >>


Prop B:
Parks and Recreation

An even better Mission Hill Park
learn more >>


Prop C:
Library Facilities

Bringing a library to southeast New Braunfels
learn more >>

Get involved

The bond package that’s on the ballot for May 6th helps make New Braunfels better by focusing on priorities determined by its citizens.


Support a fiscally conservative and responsible way to make our community better.


Voting Information

Early Voting

April 24 – May 2
Voting Locations

Monday, April 24: 8am to 6pm

Tuesday, April 25: 8am to 6pm

Wednesday, April 26: 8am to 6pm

Thursday, April 27: 8am to 6pm

Friday, April 28: 8am to 6pm

Saturday, April 29: 10am to 4pm

Monday, May 1: 7am to 7pm

Tuesday, May 2: 7am to 7pm


Saturday, May 6
7am to 7pm

Voting Locations


Pol. Adv. Paid for by  VOTE FOR NEW BRAUNFELS, Peter James, Treasurer, 659 S. Castell Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130